An intelligent solution
for Risk Management in
Highly Complex Industries
and Challenging Environments

Come visit us at OTC Houston 2024!
NRG Park, Houston, Texas, USA
May 6th to 9th, 2024

O que fazemos

Unimos técnicas avançadas da Neurociência e da Análise de Dados para fornecer diariamente um diagnóstico de Prontidão Cognitiva e de aspectos dos Fatores Humanos da sua equipe.

Os dados fornecidos auxiliam os líderes a identificar e quantificar aspectos que estão fora do campo de visão, gerando impacto direto na proteção do seu negócio, dos seus colaboradores e do meio ambiente.

A Prontidão Cognitiva é uma capacidade mental essencial para enfrentar desafios, resolver problemas e assimilar informações de maneira eficaz. Nossa solução é capaz de mensura-la antes dos operadores executarem tarefas críticas.

What we do

We combine analyzes based on Neuroscience of human behavior into a solution that accesses cognitive readiness on a daily basis, allowing managers to identify possible risk situations and act to prevent them, promoting a safer and more efficient work environment.

Neuroergonomic Mapping

Assessment of the operating environment, with detailed and practical guidance on adjustments to reduce exposure to risks

Individual Calibration

Customization of the algorithm according to the individual and the work performed by him


Implementation of the digital platform in everyday life, with an engagement strategy with the team and management tools for leaders

Why we do

Several internal and external factors can impair our cognition, affecting logical reasoning and problem-solving abilities, leading us to a state of less vigilance and leaving us more prone to impulsiveness and taking risks. Human error is responsible for up to 90% of workplace accidents.


workplace accidents annually

370 k

employees lose their lives a year

9.8M TON

of oil spilled in the ocean

$3.41 Tri

in Potential Losses for the companies

Source: ILO (International Labour Organization)

Source: ILO (International Labour Organization)

Source: Nature Magazine

Source: ILO (International Labour Organization)

The impact for your company

Our application provides an accurate assessment of employees’ cognitive readiness, allowing managers to quickly identify who is not able to perform critical tasks, preventing potential risks and promoting a more protected and optimized work environment.

Accidents prevention

The test identifies when operators are cognitively able to perform their tasks, contributing to operational safety and efficiency.

Safety for Operators

Operators feel safer, knowing that their cognitive abilities are being monitored to ensure they are in the best condition to perform their tasks.

Savings for the Company

Preventing workplace accidents leads to a significant reduction in costs associated with these accidents, such as medical expenses and production interruptions.

Learn more

What happens when cognition is compromised?

Who trust us

Hello, I’m the Cognittiv mascot!

We offer an effective solution to manage the human factors aspects of your organization! Don’t let cognitive overload affect your team’s productivity and safety!

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